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  • Affärsverksamhet

Kodrefaktoreringssteg. Viktiga steg för att förbättra applikationens kvalitet och prestanda.

25 juni 2024

Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN Kodrefaktorering är […]

  • Teknik

10 misstag att undvika vid refactoring

18 juni 2024

Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN I vår […]

  • Teknik

Tester under kodrefactoring – varför behövs de

04 juni 2024

Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN Tester spelar […]

  • Teknik

Hur man använder mönster för att förbättra kodstrukturen – miniguide

21 maj 2024

Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN I dagens […]

  • Affärsverksamhet

Total ägandekostnad – (TCO) optimering

07 maj 2024

Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN Optimera total […]

  • Teknik

Äldre kodrefaktorering

23 april 2024

Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN Att skapa […]

  • Affärsverksamhet

Att spara tid och resurser genom refaktorering – Förbättra systemets effektivitet utan extra kostnader

09 april 2024

Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN Hur kan […]

  • Teknik

Hur SOLID-principer stöder refactoring

26 mars 2024

Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN I teori […]

  • Affärsverksamhet

Kvaliteten på Kod och Projektets Framgång: Hur Refaktorering Påverkar Effektiviteten och Hållbarheten hos Applikationer

12 mars 2024

Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN Kodkvaliteten är […]
