
Saving Time and Resources Through Refactoring – Improving System Efficiency Without Additional Costs

09 April 2024



Study conducted as a part of the implementation of the project: “Entering American, British and Swedish markets with a comprehensive service of computer programs renovation (refactoring) by Codema”, No. POPW.Ol.02.00-06-0069/22. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020.
EU funding for the project: 851,663.82 PLN

How can code refactoring help save time and resources in a company?

Time is one of the most valuable resources in business. With increasing competition and a more dynamic market, efficiency in time utilization becomes a key success factor for a company. One way to optimize this process is through code refactoring – a practice not only associated with improving the code, but also impacting the efficiency of the entire organization.

What is refactoring about?

Code refactoring is the process of improving the structure of existing code without changing its external functionality. In practice, this means cleaning, organizing, and streamlining the code, making it more readable, easier to maintain, and more flexible.

How does refactoring translate into saving time and resources?

** Reducing errors and failures: Clean, organized code with fewer unnecessary lines means lower risk of errors. This translates into fewer failure reports and less time spent on debugging.

** Faster implementation of changes: Thanks to better-organized code, introducing new features or modifications becomes more efficient and less complicated.

** Performance optimization: By eliminating redundant lines of code, refactoring contributes to increasing the application’s efficiency. Less resources needed to perform a given operation = saving time and resources.

** Increased flexibility and scalability: Better code structure means that the application is more flexible in case of changes and scalable in case of development.

Benefits for the company from refactoring – step by step

Saving time and resources, improving code quality, reducing the risk of errors – these are just a few of the benefits that code refactoring brings. Investing in code improvement may seem unattractive at first glance, but in the long term, it brings tangible benefits in the form of better performance, fewer errors, and greater flexibility.

A company that takes steps towards refactoring is investing in its future, increasing its competitiveness and efficiency.

Code refactoring is more than just technical optimization – it’s a key element of business strategy that can bring many benefits. Investing in code quality is an investment in saving time, resources, and the future development of the company. At Codema, we understand this well, offering the best quality refactoring services in the domestic and international market.

We encourage you to consider code refactoring in your company as a path to efficiency and market success!

Ready to improve the efficiency of your system? Use refactoring to save time and resources. Contact us now!

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